Fund documents
Arte Collectum I AB
Arte Collectum II AB
AuAg Gold Mining
AuAg Essential Metals
AuAg Precious Green
AuAg Silver Bullet
MetaSpace Fund
eSports Fund
Estea Omsorgsfastigheter
Gainbridge Novus Nordic
Go Blockchain Fund
Lucy Global Fund
Arden xFund
Plain Capital BronX
Plain Capital LunatiX
Plain Capital StyX
Proethos Fund
SAM Aktiv Ränta
SBP Kredit AB
Sensum Strategy Global
Skogsfond Baltikum AB
SOIC Dynamic China
Space Fund
SSID Co-Invest Fund
Vinga Corporate Bond
World xFund Allocation
Documents for the following funds can be obtained upon request. Please send requests to
Bodil Fond I KB
Swedish Growth Fund AB
Räntespar i Sverige AB