For investors

Notice of Major Changes to Fund Regulations

Following the directives from the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (Finansinspektionen), we will notify our unit holders of any substantial modifications to the regulations of our funds. You can view the most recent notifications we’ve issued below.


Details of the Notifications

These notifications outline the specific changes that have been made and the date on which they will take effect. In most instances, unit holders are not required to take any action based on the notification, but we believe it’s important to keep you informed about the changes and the reasons for them.


Implementation of Changes

Minor changes typically come into effect once they receive approval from the Financial Supervisory Authority. In these cases, the notification is provided purely for informational purposes.

For more significant changes, unit holders are given the chance to buy or sell fund units without any fees within a designated period before the changes are implemented. The modifications will only be applied after this period has ended.


Recent Notifications

Below, you will find the latest notifications related to our funds.


There are currently no ongoing changes.